I love to camp.
I've never been camping, but I imagine I would probably be okay at it. Scratch that. I don't like bugs.
Somehow I find myself camping all of the time.
When God reveals something to me about a situation. I camp there.
I'm not talking about pitching moveable tents. I move in the family and start building house there.
What was an eye opening revelation, I turn into a set of rules.
If God allows for something incredible to happen while I am wearing a green shirt, then you better believe that I will try to buy out the store of all of the green shirts they have on their shelves. Who cares if I bankrupt our bank account in the process? God will provide!!
Oh vey.
There's that part of me that wants to have this thing called life "under control", and if I can have that sense of control under the guise of faith then I feel like I have all of my bases covered.
In all fairness, my intentions are good.
But that only goes so far. Our righteousness is like filthy rags, no matter how you much you Febreze them.
So what I am learning is to abide in the Lord and allow Him to lead bit by bit, step by step. My camping only leads to rule setting and then rule setting leads to carrying around burdens that I wasn't meant to carry. So then I get tired, so tired that I want to give up; so tired that I blame The One who offers an invitation to life abundant and everlasting.
It's a free life, the one who abides in the Life Giver.
Our Lord God is faithful to guide our steps; and He's nothing like the control freak that I tend to be.
His love is perfect.
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