I have tried long and hard not to say it because it's not enough just to say it.
This needs to be said well.
So yea, that pretty much disqualifies me for this job. I am deeply relying for God's grace and peace with this one, more than usual.
Community. We are seeing a revival of community in the church. (You should know when I say church I am referring to the body of Christ as a whole, not any one particular church or denomination.) This is such a good thing, such a good thing. Despite my tendencies to be withdrawn to better suit my pride, it's true. Let's face it, being always vulnerable, and always socially awkward despite your bestest efforts is taxing on a sensitive soul like me. Being alone sometimes feels safe, but we aren't meant to live life alone. I totally get that, and I am totally on board and working on it full heartedly and full force.
Community has had a profound impact on my life and the life of my family. Our son was born on a cuh-razy week for our family. My father started chemo that same week, and my mother-in-law was in the hospital. Our family so badly wanted to be here for us physically, but they couldn't be. We felt their love though. We are so thankful. In their absence, we were absolutely overwhelmed with the love and support that we had in our local community. We weren't blood relatives or best friends per say, but we are brothers and sisters in the Lord. We received meals for an extended period of time as we battled through postpartum complications, and even yesterday someone offered to let me borrow their maternity clothes as we are expecting baby #2. Even in the thick of life, we are there for one another. We pray together and for one another. We serve each other in love. It's really and truly a beautiful thing, that has pushed me hard in some necessary ways.
So, I get it. I am not here to point fingers at community. This revival of sorts is a good one, a Godly one. You can't have true community without connection, and that is something oh-so powerful in it's own right. This. Is. All. So. Good.
So what's to be careful about?
Let's chat about that for a second. Maybe get your cup of coffee, and please, oh-please just hear me out.
Today's idols are usually good things for us Christians.
We don't usually idolize the bad things or the clearly labeled as sinful things. We tend to struggle with putting good things in the place of God.
Do you believe that God can have a purpose for solitude? That's the first question to tackle. If you think that solitude is inherently bad, you might have placed community in a higher place than it should be.
I honest to goodness believe that sometimes God wants us to be alone, for a season, and for His GOOD purpose and pleasure.
I never pictured myself not having family at the hospital after delivering my first child. Honestly, years ago living in Tampa I would send out a text message to a big group of friends when I wanted to go out without any doubts that it would result in an epic night out, and
Through these moments, God is helping my husband and I to work together in our strengths. What I mean by that, is that instead of getting frustrated with each other because we aren't seeing things like the other, we have learned to appreciate the differences in each other and in ourselves. Our differences don't cause disagreements as much as they used to when we became a family. Our differences enrich our lives and experiences. I know our son has benefited because of this too, in more ways than one.
Personally, embracing the moments of solitude in my life has been invaluable. I read so much more, helpful things, life giving things. It's given me time to hear from God about some things deep in my heart, that honestly I would not have dealt with in the same way had I been continuously surrounded with people and continually seeking their words, advice, and opinions.
So what's the take away? Don't miss out on community, ya'll. The awkwardness is worth it. Push yourself as far as you can go, and acknowledge that it might be further or lessor than someone else might be able to go. These should never be used as weapons to judge others around us. Appreciate. Love.
Also, don't despise solitude. If you continually find yourself there, maybe it's time to stop kicking and screaming. Kiss the waves, and run to Jesus. It's only for a season, but perhaps what God wants to do in this season can change your entire life.

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