Friday, April 11, 2014

I want to start something.

I'm tired.

I'm tired of all of the articles telling me that wiping my boy's nose is the only good thing that I should embrace. I am. I don't need to defend the greatness of every little moment with my sweet boy and family. I know it, and I know it well. I wouldn't trade those moments for the world.

I am tired of people trying so hard to make sure that those with the "thankless" and more background type gifts feel special that those with the not-so-quiet abilities feel shamed. Neither person is more qualified or useful in the kingdom of God, so why do we feel like we have to pick one?

I am tired of ranting... like I am doing now. 

I want to start something. 

I want to do something. 

I want to see women encouraged in their homes to manage it well, knowing, that yes, this pleases the Lord; but it's us making it more difficult than it's meant to be by adding so many rules and such. 

We don't have to have the house with all of the newest things. We don't have to have the most decorated of homes. Not every moment in our day can and should be Instagram worthy, and it's okay for us to look a little homely every now and again. 

So maybe this is a call to get over ourselves. WifeMom, I'm looking at us. Yes, we are important. Yes, our homes pretty much revolve around us. Our job in the home is vital. But in these cases, our job in the home is one of two. Actually, it's one of three. Ultimately, it is the Lord who keeps us all. Only He can protect us to the level that we think we can our children. 

Have you read the Great Commission lately?

It was spoken to women (even mothers, GASP!) as much as it was spoken to everyone else. We can't make a difference in our world if we are too busy shushing the calling of God in our lives out of shame that it makes us less than a good mom. 

Don't shush those Godly desires for the sake of trying to keep up with dozens of household ideas and plans. I'm talking about the extra ones that we add to try to make ourselves look and feel good but only seem to burn us out. I have done it a lot so I know what I am talking about firsthand.

I'm talking to me too. 

This post is in reference to letting go of those things that become an unnecessary burden. I  have tried cloth diapers, and lots of other stuff. Making plans and executing ideas comes with the manager job title. It's good for us to try to be efficient in our homes. Some of these things worked for us for a time, some are still working for us, and some of them didn't work for us at all; but it's all part of the process.

I want to see women encouraged to listen to God and allow Him to direct their paths and to free themselves to follow it wherever that might lead. 

I am not speaking against stay at home mom-ness and telling everyone to go out and run the world like Beyonce because we are women hear us roar. My point is that only God knows those sweet plans that He has for us. Seek Him. Follow Him. Let Him lead. Listen closely to those Godly desires that He has placed in you. Don't shush them. 

I still want to start something.

But for now, welcome to the blog.

I'll try to keep the rants to a minimum. 

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