Thursday, May 15, 2014

Not a Luxury.

Every once in a while, I see a post from the Jesus Calling devotional in my Facebook news feed. Usually when I do, it's a post that I really need at that time.

The post I saw yesterday was no exception. My main take away was that time alone with Jesus, in His Word, is not a luxury. 

God used this post to show me that I like to treat spending time with the Lord as a luxury. I love it when I wake up hours before my son and have that time to sit in a quiet house. I love to carefully clear my mind, disregard my schedule, and sit before the Lord for however long I can. I love to chew on scripture as I gently sip on my smoothie or protein shake. 

And that's cool. 

The problem is that sometimes, I am exhausted and I don't quite get up early enough. Sometimes I don't have quiet time alone, and sometimes I forfeit my smoothie to grab a handful of chips on my way off to an errand. This isn't to complain or to even say that any of this is wrong.

It's just that I tend to believe that if I don't have those luxurious moments alone, then I don't have time to spend with the Lord. I start seeking this elusive time alone in the house where everything is perfect that I forget to seek the Lord while in the thick of it. Ironically, that's usually when I need Him the most.

The enemy would have it no other way. The enemy wants me to get flustered and distracted; unplugged from my life source.

Time with the Lord is not a luxury, but it's a necessity.

He is my strength. 
He is my life. 
He is my direction. 
He is my salvation. 

So this morning, when I overslept again (this time because I failed to put on my alarm. lesson learned.)  I took a few moments while cuddling with my boy to pull out my devotional. As I served my son breakfast, I prayed. I didn't do it do get it done. I didn't do it to check off something on a spiritual checklist. I did it because I know I need the Lord. I did it to seek His face and set my eyes on Him. For everything else, I'll trust Him. 

Intimacy with our Lord and Savior is not a luxury friends, we need Him. 

 Psalm 91 
1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High 
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 
2 This I declare about the Lord: 
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; 
he is my God, and I trust him. 
3 For he will rescue you from every trap 
and protect you from deadly disease. 
4 He will cover you with his feathers. 
He will shelter you with his wings. 
His faithful promises are your armor and protection. 
5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, 
nor the arrow that flies in the day. 
6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, 
nor the disaster that strikes at midday. 
7 Though a thousand fall at your side, 
though ten thousand are dying around you, 
these evils will not touch you. 


  1. Amen. :) Thank you Mrs Kristy Richards. I needed this. May God bless you.

    1. I love how God does that. He always finds a way to speak to us what we need to hear. God bless you!!! Thanks for stopping by the blog <3
