Friday, May 2, 2014

Thunder Struck. The Power Went Out.

Yesterday was one of those days that was just plain weird for me. The little one had chewed on my cell phone and in my husband's words, my phone was "spitting out z's" anytime I tried to type or dial anything. My wifi was acting spotty. And as if I wasn't already knee deep back in the technology of the 80's, the little one also got a hold of our remote, and therefore I couldn't effortlessly flip through the thousands of cable channels to find something to watch.  (Don't judge my parenting skills, okay? Those molars are coming in, and it's cuh-razy around these parts right now, but I digress.)

Deep down inside I knew. God was wanting some alone time with me, and I was running away from it. 

I proceeded through my day, and right as dinner had finished cooking; thunder struck. The power went out. 

The little one wasn't scared, but I began to bustle around. 

I needed to know if there were any severe weather alerts out, but my wonky cell phone now had a dead battery so there was nothing I could even attempt to do. 

We managed to get through it. I won't bother you with the play-by-play because it's irrelevant. 

This is what I really want you to know. As the little one was going off to sleep in daddy's arms; I did what I should have done hours before. 

I surrendered. 

I spent some time in prayer before the Lord. It wasn't a rushed and half-hearted prayer. It was a this-is-what-is-going-on-at-this-very-moment-and-I-am-not-doing-another-thing-before-I-submit-my-good-bad-and-ugly-before-you type of prayer. So, yeah, it wasn't very eloquent, but it was me; and therefore it was beautiful to my Father. I read and chewed on The Word of God, allowing it to challenge me and change me like it longs to do. 

I had been so worried with all that I needed to get done, wanted to do, and with bashing myself over things that I failed to get done that I forgot about staying plugged into my life source, Jesus Christ. He desires a relationship with us, and He is not intimidated by our messes. He loves us like no other, forgives us, and yes; He will even use thunder to get our attention. 

It's wooing at it's best. 

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